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These Famous Celebrity Couples are In It for the Long Haul

Ever so often, we hear that our favorite celebrity couple has broken up or called their divorce lawyers to legally call it quits and it just ruins our day. Think Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Anna Faris and Chris Pratt or Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Of course, it’s a sad event made even worse when family lawyers are involved and the parents fight for the custody of their children.

And yet, there are plenty of stars who have stayed together for a long time and weathered many storms together. Sure, marriage is a gamble, and there are many times when one feels like loading their U-Haul and moving out, but in the end… love wins! That’s why it’s so heartening to hear of long lasting marriages and relationships, which certainly is not the norm in Hollywood.

Here are some celebrity couples who have us rooting for them.

Alex Trebek – Married To Jean Currivan For 29 Years

TV personality and game show host Alex Trebek has certainly been around for quite a while now and is well known in Hollywood circles. In public, it is difficult not to find him in the company of his loving wife Jean and the two are indeed made for each other.

His biggest and only regret in the marriage is that they did not meet earlier in life. The two tied the knot when Alex was 50 and his wife admits that she was blown away by his unquestionable character, sense of humor, and gentleman behavior. Well, that’s totally understandable!

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