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Celebrities And Their Luxury Cars

Sasha & Malia Obama – Cadillac One, “The Beast”, ~$1.5M

Sasha and Malia Obama, former First Daughters, naturally traveled in style and comfort at the height of their father’s power. Beyond style and comfort, however, the girls also traveled in safety, which was of the utmost importance for the then-president’s family. This means being whisked around to appearances on nothing less than “Cadillac One” or “Limousine One,” also known as “The Beast.”

One of several identical vehicles designed, The Beast has state-of-the-art features designed to keep its precious cargo safe, including a powerful V8 engine, rocket-propelled grenades and tear gas cannon, and the ability to withstand chemical attacks, to name just a few. A sweet ride, indeed, for two teenage girls, but one that probably scared off the boys.

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