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Celebrity Kids Who Look Like Their Famous Parents

 Prince Harry – Second son of Prince Charles

With his vivid red hair color, it is, indeed, quite a challenge to place Prince Harry in the House of Windsor gene pool. However, if you look beyond his hair, it’s plain enough to see that he is Prince Charles’ son through and through. In fact, the resemblance is quite pronounced when they grow out the facial hair. Of course, as next in line to the throne, Prince Charles has been mostly clean-shaven these days as is required by his esteemed station. The younger prince, on the other hand, has more liberties. It’s plain to see that he’s definitely been enjoying the full beard, even getting special dispensation from his grandma, the Queen, to wear it during his wedding to Meghan Markle. With the Duchess of Sussex expecting their first child together, it’ll be interesting to see if the baby will inherit Harry’s red hair.

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