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Rare Pictures Of Your Favorite Hollywood Celebrities From When They Were Young

Raquel Welch – Born in 1940

Everyone in Hollywood knows how gorgeous Raquel Welch is. She’s such a head-turner that countless fans adored her in the ’60s, and Raquel’s posters sold like hotcakes. What’s her secret for looking young and fresh? It’s Bag Balm and Frownies.

Raquel is a massive fan of Bag Balm, the ointment commonly used by farmers to soothe bruised cow glands. Welch said she regularly uses it before bed, leaving her lips fresh and hydrated in the morning. As for Frownies, it’s an anti-wrinkle overnight cream that helps remove fine lines. For a celebrity like Raquel, who would have thought she prefers budget-friendly and over-the-counter products!

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