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l Tempo non Ha Potere su Queste Celebrità: Sembrano Essersi Fermate all’Apice della Bellezza!

ANA LAURA RIBAS – 55 years old

The extraordinary Ana Laura took the first steps in her brilliant career in Brazil at just 13 years old, enchanting the public with her breathtaking beauty. Back in 1989, she brought her talent to Italy, performing on the stages of Telemike and Paperissima. In 1992, you gave your touch of genius to the satirical news program Striscia la Notizia on Canale 5.

After a short period of silence, Ana Laura is back in style, this time behind the microphones of the renowned radio station RTL 102.5. On the radio, she let her friendliness shine, enchanting listeners with her engaging voice. And on television, her beauty was another incredible ace up her sleeve. With dark skin and eyes that shine like stars, Ana Laura is still today a woman capable of making the hearts of anyone who comes across her magnetic gaze beat faster!

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